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Monday, February 11, 2013

Review: Hooked by Liz Fichera

Hooked (Hooked, #1)Hooked (Hooked #1)
Liz Fichera
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Release Date: January 29, 2013

Get hooked on a girl named Fred…HE said: Fred Oday is a girl? Puh-leeze. Why is a girl taking my best friend's spot on the boys' varsity golf team?
SHE said: Can I seriously do this? Can I join the boys' team? Everyone will hate me—especially Ryan Berenger.
HE said: Coach expects me to partner with Fred on the green? That is crazy bad. Fred's got to go—especially now that I can't get her out of my head. So not happening.
SHE said: Ryan can be nice, when he's not being a jerk. Like the time he carried my golf bag. But the girl from the rez and the spoiled rich boy from the suburbs? So not happening.
But there's no denying that things are happening as the girl with the killer swing takes on the boy with the killer smile…

If there's one thing that I liked about this novel was that it brought two new aspects to the classic YA romance. One, that this novel brings in Native American culture. Two, that this novel centers around gold, which wasn't the most interesting aspect of the book, but Fichera still managed to keep my attention.

I liked the two main characters fine, but they didn't exactly wow. They both had their quirks. Liz is very quiet and keeps to herself while Ryan seemed to be your typical rich guy. Both of them lacked communication skills which frustrated me so much.

One of my biggest issues with this book was how back and forth Ryan and Fred went. As I said before, if they just communicated a little more a lot of pain could have been avoided. Also, although there were points of high tension, there were also a few slow parts, and the novel ended rather abruptly.

Overall, I did enjoy this story. It was entertaining and there was something unique about it. But was it anything memorable? No. I was expecting something a lot more from this book.

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to reading this book and while I don't expect to be blown away, I do expect to have a good time reading it. I'm excited to read about the Native American culture in it.

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile
