This week's topic is books of 2013 I'm most anticipating. It was so hard to keep it just to ten because there are so many great books coming out next year!
Sadly, though, two of my favorite series are ending. So while I am dying of anticipation of these books, I just can't let these characters go.
1. Shadows in the Silence by Courtney Allison Moulton- This is my number one book I can't wait for next year. I am so excited for this book, you don't even know.
2. With All My Soul- No! I can't let Kaylee and Todd and Nash and Sabine and Emma go. I've been with these characters for six books and I will be with them one last times...
3. The Madman's Daughter by Megan Shephard- This one looks really good!
4. Just One Day by Gayle Forman- Gayle Forman is awesome. I can't wait to read another one of her books.
5. Paper Valentine by Brenna Yovenoff- This one looks really unique and good. Plus, I really enjoy Yovenoff's novels.
6. The Orginals by Cat Patrick- I've yet to read a Cat Patrick book (all two of them) that I didn't really enjoy.
7. Under the Light by Laura Whitcomb- I loved A Certain Slant of Light. I can't wait to read the sequel!.
8. The Dollhouse Asylum by Maray Gray- This one looks amazing and I love the cover!
9. Boundless by Cynthia Hand- Another good series ending.
10. Dare You To by Katie McGarry- Companion to Pushing the Limits, anyone?

Great list! Thanks for sharing!
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